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Pay My Property Taxes

2025 Tax Bills

  • First Installment Due:  March 31st
  • Second Installment Due:  May 30th
  • Third Installment Due:  August 31st
  • Fourth Installment Due:  October 31st


Receive your Property Tax Bill by e-mail and/or Sign up for a Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Plan.

FORMS available for download in the links below. 

Online Tax payments can be made at most major Canadian Banks:

  • By setting Municipality of Whitestone as a payee in your online banking app.
  • The process for setting up an online banking payee varies from bank to bank, but in general you will need to select "Whitestone" and/or and input your specific account number.
  • Your account number can be found on your bill.
  • Please check the processing time of your financial institution to ensure your payment is received on or before the due date.
  • For specific help with your banking app contact your bank!

In person at the Whitestone Municipal Office.  The Municipal Office accepts the following payment methods: 

  • Cash
  • Cheque 
  • Debit

Also, for your convenience, we have a lock-box, located directly outside the Municipal Office doors, attached to our building, for anyone wanting to drop off a payment after-hours. 

We now accept online credit card payments! Just click the 'Pay Now' button located below:A graphic identifying the ability to pay now. If you click on the graphic, you will be directed to Plastiq, where you can pay for your taxes online.

Please Note:

You will have to create an account, and payments may take up to 3-5 business days to process.  A Plastiq service fee will be applied: 2.5% for credit cards, and 1% for debit cards.  This is only made available through our Municipal website, as we do not accept credit cards at the Municipal Office, or over the telephone. 

Please click here for more information about online payments.


It is the ratepayers' responsibility to notify the municipal office of a change of address. Failure to do so DOES NOT relieve the ratepayer from any penalties or interest. Tax bills go out twice a year, every year. The interim tax bills are sent out in February with due dates in March and May. The final tax bills are sent out in August with due dates in August and October. Therefore, if you DO NOT receive a tax bill from us, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact the municipal office as soon as possible.