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Livestock Claims

If your livestock or poultry have been harmed by animal predators, you can apply for compensation through the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

Farmers can file claims with their local municipality to recover their losses.

If you have general questions about the program, please contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and Ministry of Rural Affairs

Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300

To be eligible for the program, you must meet the eligibility criteria.

If the Valuer determines that the damage to livestock and poultry was caused by a stray dog that is not normally found on the premises, the claimant is not eligible for compensation through this program. Instead, the process set out in the Protection of Livestock and Poultry from Dogs Act should be followed.

  1. Report the Incident: Inform a Municipally Appointed Livestock Investigator/Valuator within 48 hours if you believe predation caused the damage or loss. Contact the Municipality office at 705-389-2466 for a list of Valuators.
  2. Investigation: The Investigator will document evidence and complete the necessary application forms.
  3. Submission: The Investigator submits the completed application to the municipality.
  4. Review: The municipality forwards the application to OMAFRA, which reviews it for completeness and eligibility within 30 days of receipt.
  5. Appeal: The owner has 20 business days to appeal the outcome of the application.
  6. Finalization: If no appeal is made within 20 business days of the decision letter, OMAFRA will notify the municipality to process the payment.
  7. Reimbursement: OMAFRA will reimburse the municipalities for the value assigned in the decision letter and provide additional compensation for administrative costs.

The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP) provides financial assistance to producers whose livestock, poultry or honey bees have been damaged or killed by wildlife. The following helpful information about OWDCP is available on the OMAFRA website:

  • Preventing Losses to Predators (Fencing Options, Management Practices, Living with Wolves, Predation Tools)
  • Dealing with Deadstock
  • Reducing and Managing Conflict
  • Compensation Program Guidelines
  • Producer resources