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Employment Opportunities

Please see the job postings below for more information:

After School Program CoordinatorAfter School Program Coordinator Job DescriptionDeputy.Clerk@whitestone.caOngoing
By-Law Enforcement Officer (contracted)
By-law Enforcement Officer Services - RFP#2024-10

By-Law Enforcement Officer -Duties, responsibilities, skills and knowledge
August 23, 2024 at 4:00pm

How To Apply?

  • All applications require a cover letter and resume. Please submit these as one file, not two separate documents. Acceptable file formats for applications are .doc, .docx or PDF files.
  • Your email subject line should include the following information:
    • Last Name, First Name - Job Title
    • For example: Doe, Jane - Receptionist      
  • You must submit an application for each job you are interested in.
  • Please apply before the posting deadline noted on each opportunity.